Nearing the end of the 20th century, we are introduced to Jereena Mott, a thirteen year old Quaker girl living somewhere in Southern California. Here is some of what she has to say:
Who am I?
Because people will be asking, Jody said I needed to let people know who I am. Well, my name is Jereena Mott and I’m 13 years old. I’m in eighth grade in Spencer middle school, which means that I graduate and go into high school next year, if you can imagine that. I can hardly believe I’m almost in high school.
My family is Quaker, and lots of that stuff gets explained in the book. Jody went to a Quaker camp for a couple summers when she was younger and really liked it, so she went and found a Quaker family (mine) and it’s pretty cool.
I have an older sister, Katie, who drives me crazy sometimes, being a person who is always in the library studying and knows all kinds of facts about almost everything. And she is always telling me stuff. But we still get along pretty well.
My twin brothers are Aubrey and Hilery. They’re 6 and make all of us laugh. Lots of times we get too serious, but the twins keep us from doing that too much.
Oh, and the newest thing is that this year I have a boyfriend. His name is Jacob, and yes, he’s my first boyfriend. We hold hands, but we haven’t kissed yet, which is fine with me. I mean, I’m only 13, and I still get kind of nervous about that stuff. We see each other mostly at school, but sometimes we go bike riding or to movies with other friends.
This book is written in first person, which means that I narrate the whole thing, which keeps me kinda busy. Here's a little of what my story is like:
“Sometimes life can get very confusing. I’m not sure what it has to do with. I wish life had little scratcher instructions for each situation. You know what I mean, like they have with some of those games, where you take a coin and scratch the paper and it shows if you won or not. Something like that. But I guess that’s only for fantasy books and movies. Real life never includes a script.”
Well, I guess that pretty much should do it. You know who I am. If you keep visiting here, Jody promises to keep you posted on when you can get the first book in my series. It's actually pretty cool!