There was a time—
‘back in the day’ did not exist as such—
It was The Day
And Kerouac wrote his tomes
And Ginsberg howled
Poetry morphed from e.e. cummings who
perhaps did not believe in capital letters
and for a while neither did i
Free spirit and free verse danced in sulfur pools
where we soaked naked in the night
and the sulfur really coated your hair and it screamed for
It was a different time
But we were still searching for answers
the same answers that tortured Mozart, Socrates, Diogenes...we were
just looking to the tune of rock ‘n’ roll—
our background music was different
And here I am, over a billion seconds later and all grown up
(such as it is) Sipping Syrah,
a cell phone and land line phone next to my laptop
Who’d have thunk it?
January 2014
Port Hueneme, California